Sunday, February 6, 2011

Term 1 assignment (Gracia Lee 2-1)

1a) Hong Kong
1b) Photo of Hong Kong

1c) Hong Kong has an estimated population of 7,089,705 people. The median age for males is 42.4 years old while for females, it is 43.2 years old. The birth rate is 7.45 babies in every 1000 people and the death rate is 6.91 in every 1000 people. Therefore, the rate of natural increase is 0.54/ 1000 people. The population density is 6480/square km.
1d) Population pyramid of Hong Kong
1e) One of the problems faced by Hong Kong is that it has a rapidly increasing aging population. If the trend continues, every 2 working people would have to support 3 unemployed or retired people by 2036. That is because Hong Kong has a low birth rate. The median age for the entire population is 42.8 years old and the rate of natural increase is 0.54 per 1000 people. Thus, it leads to an aging population.


  1. 1]Thailand has a higher population than HongKong. About 599,952,95 more people.
    2]The number of people per square km is alot of people.
    3]The base of the population pyramid is smaller than the age of the reproduction age.
    4]There will be a shortage of jobs as there are alot of middle aged people.Demand for jobs will be high.
    -Samantha lye

  2. China's population is definitely higher than hongkong's and the population density is lower as china has a bigger land area. However, the percentage of elderly is relatively lower than hongkong.

  3. Vietnam's population is much more hugher than the population of Hong Kong. Compared to Vietnam, Hong Kong has a vey dense population that could be due to the small land area they have. The natural increase of the population is significantly lower than Vietnam's. The percentage of middle aged people in Hong Kong is also higher than Vietnam's.

    By: Kimberly Kiong

  4. Japan's population is much bigger compared to Hong Kong's. However the birth rate is slightly higher compared to Japan's and the death rate is lower. The population density is also much higher than Japan's. I find it interesting that the government can squeeze so many people per square kilometre. I think that the population pyramid is shaped like a vase. Since Hong Kong is fairly small, Hong Kong will soon be overpopulated if the population continues to increase rapidly.
