1c) The population of Vietnam is approximately more than 85.8 million and 85.8% of the population are natives or Vietnamese people. The population density of Vietnam is 668/square kilometres. The birth rate is 17.29 babies in every 1000 people and the death rate is 5.97 babies in every 1000 people. Thus, that makes it a natural increase of 11.32/1000 people. The average age of the people in general is 27.4 years old. To be more specific, the average age of males is 26.4 years old and the average age of females is 28.5 years old.
1d) The population pyramid of Vietnam
1e) One of the problems faced by Vietnam is a huge population increase after the end of the war. Thus, the population density increased significantly. With a high population density, the government has to find solutions to accodomate the present and future people of vietnam. With the construction of more buildings, environmental damage is caused such as haze and poisonous gases. Now, the population growth is decreasing and this causes a lot of young people, due to the previous high population growth, with consequent strains on the education system and labour market.