Monday, August 22, 2011

Water Supply (Evangel Teo)

Water is needed for drinking and other uses such as cooking and cleaning. It is also used in industries and agriculture. There is limited amount of fresh water for human use. This problem of water shortage is referred to as water constraint.

Reasons for Water Constraint

Limited Supply of Fresh Water
Even though 70% of the Earth’s surface is covered by water, only 3% of that water is freshwater and only 1% of the total amount of water on Earth is freshwater readily available for human consumption, while the other 2% is frozen in the form of ice and snow.

Uneven distribution of fresh water
Some countries have a abundant supply of water while other countries have a lack of water. In Canada, there is an abundant amount of water while some countries in Africa have insufficient water.

Water Pollution
The fresh water resources are increasingly being polluted by human activities. Waste from factories and households are dumped into rivers which pollutes the water and this water cannot be used for activities such as drinking, fishing and swimming. 

Rising Demand for Water

Population Growth
As the world's population increases, this means the total supply of freshwater will have to be shared among more people.

Growth of Agriculture
There is an increasing need to grow more food. Hence, up to three-quarters of the world's fresh supply is used for the watering of crops.

Growth of Industries
The growth of industries also contribute to a rise in water consumption because water plays an important part in the daily operations of these industries.

Changes in Lifestyle
When a country becomes more developed, people adopt modern lifestyles and can afford to buy items to provide them with convenience and comfort, such as washing machines and air conditioners.

Responses to Rising Demand for Water

Increasing the Price of Water
Some countries may increase the price of water so that people who do not want to pay more will be encouraged to use less water. However, when the price of water increases, only those who can afford to pay the high prices will be able to use the amount of water they want while poor people will not be able to pay the high prices of water.

Increasing Supply of Water

Increase catchment areas
A catchment area is where rain falls and is collected. An increase in catchment areas will lead to an increase to the amount of water collected. Nature reserves are often used as water catchment areas because forests can retain a supply of fresh water. The water collected from water catchment areas is cleaner than used water and does not contain salt which helps to keep the cost of water treatment down.

International Agreements
An international agree on water is an arrangement between 2 or more countries regarding the supply and the use of water resources over a specific period of time. When signing international agreements, countries discuss and negotiate terms on the buying or sharing of water resources. However these agreements do not last forever and will eventually expire.

Use of Technology
Recycling water or water reclamation and desalination are two examples of methods that make use of technology to increase the supply of water. 

Used water can be converted into usable water. The used water is collected then treated at reclamation plants where the impurities are removed. The treated water can be further treated at industrial water works to produce industrial water, which is supplied to factories for purposes such as washing and cooling of machinery.

The process of removing salt from sea water is known as desalination. It is used to convert sea water into drinking water.There are various methods of desalination, one method is distillation and the other is reverse osmosis.

Although technology can convert used or sea water into drinking water, some people may not get used to the idea of drinking it as minerals are removed during the process, giving it a different taste.

4 National Taps

Tap 1: Water from local catchment areas
Tap 2: Imported water
Tap 3: NEWater
Tap 4: Desalinated water

I think we should conserve water and not waste it as it is a scarce resource and is essential for human beings' survival. Without water, we would be unable to survive. We also should not pollute water as there is already insufficient water for people around the world

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