Sunday, September 12, 2010

Reflection for trip to Bukit Timah Hill (Evangel Teo)

Last Saturday, we went to Bukit Timah Nature Reserve, a tropical rainforest in Singapore. It is a water catchment area and is the highest point in Singapore. Upon reaching, we saw lots of monkeys swinging from tree to tree. Before walking up the hill, we visited the exhibition hall. There were many informative and interesting exhibits in the hall. I learnt more about the history of Bukit Timah Hill and different species of plants and animals.

Next, we started walking up the hill. The slope was very steep and before long, I started panting. Fortunately, the slope eventually got gentler. On the way up, we saw many different trees as well as lianas and epiphytes with our own eyes. Before long, we reached the summit of Bukit Timah Hill. We sketched pictures of 3 different types of leaves and after resting a while, we went down. Instead of going straight down we went up another route. It lead to a view of a quarry, however it was hard to see as the trees were blocking the view.

Then, we headed down and after reaching the bottom, we walked another route that lead to a playground. At the playground, we had lots of fun. If we continued walking down the route, we would see a magnificent and breathtaking view of a granite quarry. It was simply beautiful.

As we were waiting for the bus, we saw many animals and were even lucky enough to see an  adorable baby monkey with its mother and a flying lemur. The bus arrived and it was time to go. I left with many more fond memories and valuable experiences.

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