Thursday, May 13, 2010

Iceland Volcanic Eruption

Why the volcano erupted

  • Eruption caused by the diverging plates(North American Plate and Eurasian plate) at Mid Atlantic Ridge

  • Iceland lies on a hotspot
Monitoring Volcanic Activity

What do they monitor??
  •  Volcanic temperature
  •  water level
  •  lakes
  •  mass movements like rock falls
  • mud flow
  • seismicity
Why do they monitor these things???
  • Plot geology maps     
  • Show changes before and after a volcano erupts
  • To prevent death and illness
  • Avoid affecting tourism, flights, business and daily activity
What materials are spewed out???
  • Ash
  • Smoke
  • Lava
  • Molten lava
  • Rocks
  • Many other solid, liquid and gases
  • Gases: mostly steam but also includes poisonous gases(carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, hydrogen chloride)
  • Earthquakes
  • Rumbling Noise
  • Animals acting weird
  • More vents appearing
  • However, the volcano may erupt without warning
What type of volcano is Eyjafjallajökull???
  • It is a Stratovolcano, sometimes called a composite volcano
  • Its is a tall, conical volcanoe with many layers of hardened lava, tephra and volcanic ash

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