Monday, April 5, 2010

Topographical Map :D

Here's a topographical map!

Done by: Kimberly Kiong


  1. I think that the blue line represents a river and the black symbols represent buildings.

  2. Hi, Nicole Mui here.

    I think that the black/grey lines represents the road whie the grey line with red arrows represents the railway track.

  3. Samantha lye said:
    I think that the blue line represents the river and the red/grey lines represent roads

  4. I think the blue line represents a river and the black squarish dots represents buildings

  5. i agree with evangel, nicole mui and samantha. i also think that the small blue patches are lakes.

  6. Do you think the river shown in the map is the upper, middle or lower course of the river? - Ms Lim

  7. Samantha Lye said:
    I think the roads are there so that the people living there can travel conviently.The river acts as a water source for the people living there.The river shown on the map should be the middle course.At the middle course,lots of meanders are formed.
