Sunday, January 31, 2010

Physical Environment vs Human Environment

I think that the physical environment is more important than the human environment because it provides human with natural resources. If forests, oceans or rivers are destroyed and no longer exist, there will be no more trees or plants and the natural habitats of animals will be destroyed.Physical features are things that occur naturally on earth so it cannot be created again by people.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Physical vs Human - which is more important (evangel)

I think the both the physical and human environment are equally important. The physical environment is important as we obtain food from plants and animals, wood from trees and water from rivers. Without natural resources, we would not be able to build buildings or many other things. Why the human environment is important... We are able to live in comfortable houses and live in good environments. For example, Singapore faces a shortage of land as the population increases. To overcome this problem, technology is used to reclaim land.

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